Crostone con le sarde - Sardines on toasted bread
Quanto sono buoni i crostoni. Pane tostato sotto il grill, il massimo sarebbe sulla carbonella, e fantasia.
Ne prepareremo molti nei prossimi mesi. Con uno spumante ghiacciato o un gin tonici sono prefetti.
Durante una grigliata le sarde possono essere cotte sulla griglia dopo averle spennellate con poco burro fuso.
Ingredienti per 4 persone
2 pomodori
2 cipollotti
2 cucchiai aceto vino bianco
2 cucchiai olio d'oliva
qb foglie di origano fresco
qb Basilico
12 sarde
4 fette pane cafone
qb olive taggiasche
qb sale
qb pepe
qb burro
Condire i pomodori tagliati con olio, aceto, sale, pepe, origano, basilico, olive e il cipollotto affettato.
Friggere le sardine nel burro e tostare il pane in forno sotto il grill.
Impiattare sistemando il tutto sul pane tostato in forno fatto a pezzettoni.
Ingredients for 4 persons
2 tomatoes
1 spring onion
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
4 tablespoons of evo oil
Fresh oregano as required
Basel as required
12 sardines
4 crusty bread slices
Taggiasche olives as required
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Butter as required
Dress the tomatoes slices with oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, oregano, basil, olives and the spring onion sliced.
Fry the sardines with butter and toast the bread in the oven under the grill.
Plate up putting everything over the toast bread previously put in the oven cut in large chunks.
Sardina - Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) is a fish of the Clupeidae family, among the most popular in the Mediterranean Sea, the same herring family. It is the only species of the genus Sardina. The sardine has the oval body with sharp ventral scales which however do not form a real hull, the mouth is facing upwards and the eye is large. The entire body, except the head, is covered with thick scales very deciduous. It has sides and a white belly silvery, while the back is green-blue with iridescent reflections. (From Wikipedia)